Head up! When someone ghosted you, just chill

The disappearing Act I know exactly how it feels. Two years ago I didn't even know what ghosting was. Occasionally someone didn't reply my messages, but I was okay with it, because we both knew the relation was dying out or I only messaged them after a long time, a year or so. And I… Continue reading Head up! When someone ghosted you, just chill

Guys, being nice to you doesn’t mean I am going to bite you

Recently I notice a guy who I have been in a rapport with suddenly become distant on me. He is a nice person, we talked a lot when we met and we also trusted each other at some point. He has a girlfriend and on the other hand, I have no romantic interest in him. I… Continue reading Guys, being nice to you doesn’t mean I am going to bite you

Not replying message is NOT okay…(unless you are batman)

Since when we justified ourselves when we ignore a message? For the record I am someone who always reply messages and reply as soon as I read it. Not because I am super available and holding my cell phone or checking my laptop every ten minutes. But it is something happens so naturally I don't even have a reason… Continue reading Not replying message is NOT okay…(unless you are batman)